The release of 'selectiveExposure' and the 'Pushies Plus' series established a simplistic graphical style and unique gameplay for papiita games.
Hopefully I can keep the ball rolling and continue to create and distribute good quality games that spike people's interest. I try not to make just 'another' game. I challenge others to do the same. Instead of making another Pong clone or what have you, challenge yourself as a game developer and create not necessarily a ground breaking game but something unique, something that people will remember and say, "That was neat." If everyone would at least think about this before creating their next game I think the industry could get quite interesting and people would have something that they've never experienced before. Try making that space shooter, defense game, or side-scroller but add a little bit of you into it.
With the release of Pushies Plus 2 came all of the greatest suggestions. Hopefully I can take it all and bring you Pushies Plus 3 in a way that you've never seen it. With the busy life I have I hope to get one or two things up within a month or so. I might finish something that was in production for a while now, maybe not, who knows, not even I do...
Thanks again to the voters of Newgrounds for voting:
Daily 4th Place - Pushies Plus
Daily 2th Place - Pushies Plus 2
Hopefully I can deliver on the next Pushies Plus game. For now I'll sign off.
papiita games
looks like pushies 2 did make it to the front page
And I thank everyone for your help.